Get rid of your back problems!
During the 5-week program, you will receive all the tools, tips and exercises to prevent and help cure your back problems, regardless of their nature. The program had proved its worth since 2007, it is taught to small groups of participants (maximum 8) by PhysioTIPS certified healthcare professionals
The program content is entirely evidence-based :
- Enforcing good movement strategies
- importance of the neutral position
- correcting daily bad habits
- correcting bad posture and sleeping positions
- workplace ergonomics
- complete and progressive exercise program focusing on
- stabilization
- strengthening
- mobility
- muscle flexibility
- return to sports
It’s time to find a PhysioTIPS Back Program near you!?
We are happy to witness all the benefits that the PhysioTIPS Back Program and its reference manual provide. Whatever the cause of our bad back, the instructor leads us to identify the cause in order to practice the techniques and exercises that are appropriate for us.
The reference manual is now part of our current readings; it’s always accessible. The many movements that our back performs daily are often taken for granted and are not always adequate. The PhysioTIPS Back Program teaches the proper techniques and is suitable for all ages, believe us!
I would like to express my appreciation for the PhysioTIPS Back Program. This program changed my life! The importance of having a good back and good posture is essential to our physical well-being if our life is unbalanced. The program has given me more tools to better control my back pain while performing my daily and professional tasks. I’ve been a different person ever since. Thank you for all the good advice, it is much appreciated.
The PhysioTIPS Back Program makes us realize how, during our day, we perform repetitive movements that are not always well executed.The PhysioTIPS Back Program is personalized, adapted and respects the limits of each individual. I highly recommend it, especially as the therapist who teaches the program is very professional, dynamic and dedicated to our health.